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Nuisance Abatement


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Nuisance Abatement

Code enforcement and nuisance abatements work to maintain neighborhoods by reducing blight and other unsafe conditions. By doing this, the community as a whole becomes a more pleasant and safe place to live and raise a family. There are numerous items that can be a violation of the City of Hickman Municipal Code. The most common ones are: tall grasses and weeds, junk and other debris illegal residential parking, unpermitted or unsafe structures, and much more. If you feel that a property has a possible code violation, please contact the City Office and an official will investigate the complaint.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I report a violation?

  • You may report a violation by filling out the form below or directly contacting the City Office by writing, phone call, or in person. When filing a complaint, please be prepared to be specific with what the violation is and where it is located.

2. Can I make an anonymous complaint?

  • Yes; you may choose not to leave a contact name or phone number with City Staff if you desire.

3. Who is responsible to resolve code violations?

  • Ultimately it is the responsibility of the property owner to resolve any code violations identified on their property. 

4. What if I cannot correct the violation in the time frame prescribed by the City?

  • Please contact the City Office as quickly as you are able. Additional time may be granted with Council approval and evidence that progress is being made towards the resolution of the violation.

5. What is the status of my complaint? Why hasn't anything been done yet?

  • Always contact the City Office if you have any questions relating to the status of your complaint. The City strives for voluntary compliance from the responsible party which may include extensions of time to gain compliance. All legal processes must be followed and exhausted prior to any direct abatement procedures by the City of Hickman.

Step 1. Select a Contact:

Duration of Complaint:     
Nature of Complaint:        
Violation Type:                  

Step 2. Provide Information:
  • Briefly describe your request in the space provided. [Please be as specific as possible].
  • Enter the address or location as well as the nearest intersection of the problem that you are reporting in the space provided.
Step 3. Provide Your Contact Information:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
  I do not want to be contacted about this.


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