10 Day Voluntary Water Restriction
September 07, 2022
Due to current drought conditions in the area and replacement of a large water main for the Roundabout Project, the City of Hickman is implementing a 10 Day Voluntary* Water Restriction today September 7, 2022 through September 17, 2022.
The goal is to reduce peak demands by 50%, reduce overall consumption by 25%, and to protect the City's water supply for fire protection use.
Please reduce your outdoor water use & implement conservation methods such as:
- Adjust automated sprinkler systems to at least 50% less
- Reduce or eliminate high water use outdoor activities
- Adhere to City's Alternate Watering Day Schedule
- Reduce or eliminate irrigation of outdoor turf and landscape
- Refrain from watering your outdoor landscape when it rains
*voluntary restrictions may become mandatory at any time if necessary
For additional water conservation tips, click on the links below:
Water Conservation in Your Home
Make Every Drop Count - Landscape